We work closely with each individual client to ensure that our solutions are tailored to their precise needs. Some examples of the types of services we provide include:
Comprehensive Policy Analysis
Our comprehensive policy analysis reports provide a thorough overview of the current evidence related to your issue, an assessment of the local policy context, and recommendations on the best policy direction to take. We can also conduct selective stakeholder engagement to hear the concerns that key stakeholders may have with specific policy options. While it is ultimately the policy maker’s decision, these reports provide an independent and thoughtful assessment of the different policy options, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Evidence Reviews / Environmental Scans
Our Evidence Reviews / Environmental Scan reports summarize the evidence around a topic and determine what approaches other jurisdictions have taken to address similar issues. These reviews may concern broad policy issues, matters related to services delivery, or other topics. Either way, they provided a firm basis for making more informed and responsible policy decisions.
Advocacy Perspectives
Organizations often have a clear interest or policy option that they want to promote. We work with stakeholders to sharpen their message to policy makers. While we are not a communications or lobbying firm, we provide you with an overview of the current evidence related to your policy concern, and the arguments supported by the evidence for your position, that can serve as the foundation of a more effective engagement strategy around your policy issue.